The first international conference titled “1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food” (1-EuSPMF) (https://1euspmf.rs) was successfully held in Belgrade, Serbia on 7–9 September 2022. Belgrade is the capital city of Serbia, situated in South-Eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula, at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. As one of the oldest cities in Europe, since ancient times it has been a crossing point of the roads of Eastern and Western Europe. Belgrade is the leading city of Serbian culture, education, science, and economy.
The organizers of this scientific meeting were the International Association of Dietetic Nutrition and Safety (IADNS) and Institute for Food Technology and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade in Belgrade, and this meeting was supported by the Serbian Chemical Society (SCS) and Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE).
The conference was chaired by Prof. Jelena Popović-Đorđević (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Prof. Esra Kapanoglu Guven (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey), Prof. Maria da Graça Campos (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Prof. Avi Spiegelman (Technion, Israel), and Prof. Goran Kaluđerović (University of Applied Sciences Merseburg, Germany) (Figure 1). The Scientific Committee of 1-EuSPMF comprised 32 outstanding scientists from 16 countries from around the world, whereas the Organizing Committee led by Prof. Miloš B. Rajković and Prof. Aleksandar Kostić (University of Belgrade-Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia), counted nine academic staff. Opening ceremony was conducted by Prof. Jelena Popović-Djordjević with the participation of Assistant Ministry for Science Dr. Marina Soković (Serbia), Prof. Jianbo Xiao (Spain & China), Prof. Esra Capanoglu Guven (Turkey) and the president of the Serbian Chemical Society, Prof. Dušan Sladić (Serbia).