Food Frontiers首次进入SJR排名并获得全球食品科学期刊第12位(共391本期刊)
Food Frontiers has been indexed by SJR and received its first indicator,ranking 12th among 391 journals in the field of food science.
2024年4月13日,国际学术期刊权威排名机构SCImago公布了2023年SJR最新排名, Food Frontiers首次进入SJR排名,被列为食品科学类一区(Q1)期刊, 于全球入选Scopus 的391本优秀食品科学类期刊中排名第12位。
On April 13th, 2024, SCImago, an authoritative ranking agency for international academic journals, released the latest SJR rankings for 2023. Food Frontiers has been indexed by SJR and received its first indicator. It has been categorized as a TOP ONE(Q 1) journal in the field of food science, and ranking 12th among the 391 excellent journals in field of food journals which selected in Scopus globally.
2023年6月28日,Food Frontiers 期刊获得创刊后的科睿唯安首个影响因子(2年影响因子9.9,5年影响因子10.0)。
On June 28, 2023, the Food Frontiers journal received its first impact factor from Clarivate Analytics following its establishment. The two-year impact factor was 9.9, and the five-year impact factor reached 10.0.
SJR全名为Scientific Journal Ranking,是基于Scopus®数据库(Elsevier B.V.)中包含的数据所计算的学术期刊排名。对入选Scopus全部学术期刊按学科领域(27个主要学科领域)、学科类别(313个特定学科类别)进行排名。这一学术排名长期被世界各权威大学和学术机构广泛认可,普遍使用于学术期刊的评价。
The full name of SJR is Scientific Journal Ranking, which is a ranking system for academic journals based on data from the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). The ranking evaluates all academic journals included by Scopus from disciplinary field (27 major disciplinary fields) and disciplinary category (313 specific disciplinary categories). This academic ranking is widely recognized and used by authoritative universities and academic institutions worldwide for the evaluation of academic journals.
Food Frontiers编委会由来自有全球20个国家和地区的57位编辑学者组成,其中高被引学者18人,境外学者31人 (53%)。Food Frontiers 名誉主编南昌大学谢明勇院士担任,南昌大学聂少平教授和西班牙维戈大学萧建波教授担任创刊主编,现任主编是南昌大学殷军艺教授,西北大学岳田利教授、江苏大学邹小波教授、福建农林大学郑宝东教授、广东农科院张名位研究员、深圳大学王明福教授、浙江大学陆柏益教授、大连工业大学杜明教授担任期刊科学主编。来自浙江省农业科学院郜海燕研究员、上海理工大学艾连中教授、南京财经大学方勇教授、南昌大学陈奕教授、中国农业大学陈芳教授和廖小军教授、暨南大学白卫滨教授、大连工业大学谭明乾教授、沈阳农业大学李斌教授、南昌大学陈奕教授、福州大学汪少芸教授、北京工商大学王静和王彦波教授、内蒙古农业大学张文羿教授、江苏大学石吉勇教授、昆明理工大学易俊洁教授、中南民族大学付海燕教授、华南理工大学任娇艳教授、江苏师范大学田俊教授、海南大学李川教授、西北农林科技大学龙芳羽副教授、广东海洋大学陈雷教授和仲恺农业工程学院刘袆帆副教授等担任副主编,执行编辑是广东海洋大学曹慧教授,助理编辑是延边大学齐欣博士。
The Editorial Committee of Food Frontiers is composed of 57 editorial scholars from 20 countries and regions around the world, including 18 highly-cited scholars and 31 foreign scholars (53%). The Honorary Chief Editor of the jounal is Academician Xie Mingyong from Nanchang University, and the Founding Chief Editors are Professor Nie Shaoping from Nanchang University and Professor Xiao Jianbo from the University of Vigo in Spain. The current Chief Editor are Professor Yin Junyi from Nanchang University, Professor Yue Tianli from Northwest University, Professor Zou Xiaobo from Jiangsu University, Professor Zheng Baodong from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Researcher Zhang Mingwei from Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Wang Mingfu from Shenzhen University, Professor Lu Baiyi from Zhejiang University, and Professor Du Ming from Dalian University of Technology, they all serve as the Scientific Editors of the journal. Additional editorial members include Researcher Gao Haiyan from Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Ai Lianzhong from Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Professor Fang Yong from Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Professor Chen Yi from Nanchang University, Professor Chen Fang and Professor Liao Xiaojun from China Agricultural University, Professor Bai Weibin from Jinan University, Professor Tan Mingqian from Dalian University of Technology, Professor Li Bin from Shenyang Agricultural University, Professor Chen Yi from Nanchang University, Professor Wang Shaoyun from Fuzhou University, Professor Wang Jing and Professor Wang Yanbo from Beijing Technology and Business University, Professor Zhang Wenyi from Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Professor Shi Jiyong from Jiangsu University, Professor Yi Junjie from Kunming University of Science and Technology, and Professor Fu Haiyan from South-Central University for Nationalities, Professor Ren Jiaoyan from South China University of Technology, Professor Tian Jun from Jiangsu Normal University, Professor Li Chuan from Hainan University, Associate Professor Long Fangyu from Northwest A&F University, Professor Chen Lei from Guangdong Ocean University, and Associate Professor Liu Yifan from Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, they all serve as Associate Chief Editors. The Executive Editor is Professor Cao Hui from Guangdong Ocean University, and the Assistant Editor is Dr. Qi Xin from Yanbian University.